ProForm U® offers individually tailored mentoring for GenText students in Atlanta, Georgia, New York City, and remotely via Skype.

We offer assistance to students seeking admission to undergraduate and graduate schools, such as MBA programs and law, medical and dental schools, as well as professional programs like occupational therapy school.

The key to successfully matriculating to your desired school is the ability to showcase your authentic self in essays and interviews.  ProForm U’s GenText® student mentoring programs are based on Elaine Rosenblum’s experience as an educator, negotiation expert and corporate veteran.

 GenText® students who grew up on smart tech communicate more through texting or emoticons and often need to strengthen their articulation and interpersonal skills to tell their story. ProForm U® elevates these communication skill sets as a vehicle for empowering applicants to set themselves apart.

Interviews won’t get you in, but they may keep you out.

A successful interview is required for competitive private schools, undergrad colleges and universities, scholarships and graduate programs. Failing to nail these interviews can derail admission.  Interview success flows from intentional strategies that require articulating answers and points-of-view with specificity and nuanced answers that demonstrate your relevancy and value add.

The expectations for graduate or professional school admissions interviews are even greater. ProForm U ® assists candidates in crafting written personal statements and interview responses that not only reflect their communication skills but also their achievements and authentic character traits.

Skill Mastery

  • Enter interviews in a professional manner, demonstrating easy confidence
  • Connote respect through body language, word choice and eye contact
  • Deliver points-of-view with appropriate deference and judgment to the venue and interviewer or interviewing panel
  • Listen with attention to detail and respond using the 3 most desired skills sought by colleges, scholarship committees and admissions panels
  • Steer conversation using a directional map
  • Moderate cadence and reframe language to evoke quiet confidence
  • Use words and tenses properly
  • Articulate with specificity
  • Prepare and ask appropriate questions
  • Shake hands and leave a lasting impression
  • Send thank you notes that are timely and distinguish you as a candidate


Today’s GenText® students struggle with the strategy required to go into a face-to-face conversation or completing a multidimensional application critical to garnering scholarship dollars in today’s competitive landscape.

Scholarship interviews require more in-depth preparation than the average admissions interview. Typically, the scholarship committee or panel is looking for particular attributes; and bringing those character traits or achievements to life entails deliberate preparation and the ability to tell a story.

The scholarship process often involves focusing on a particular topic, e.g., leadership, and reading materials on which the scholarship committee will ask questions.  Working with ProForm U­, scholarship-seeking students will build on admissions interview mastery skills to address the rigorous requirements of competitive scholarship applications and interviews.

Skills Mastery

  • Researching the specific requirements of the scholarship
  • Prepare to answer scholarship committee questions, tailoring answers to the scholarship’s mission
  • Present one’s authentic self in a confident manner in both interviews and written personal statements
  • Manage the dynamics of a group interview

 For GenText®, a productive path to segue from academia to the professional world is through an internship; furthermore, it helps you and a prospective employer determine “ideal fit.” At ProForm U®, we encourage students to seek internships to explore their interests and gain skills in interviewing as well as for future job qualifications.

Similar to admissions interviews, interviewing with a company or organization for an internship or a job requires you to conduct research beforehand. Prospective employers are looking for future employees with a passion for their purpose and forethought to prepare for the interview. ProForm U coaching will help to position you for successful and strategic interviews where you showcase your fit in terms of the employers’ needs.

Skill Mastery

  • Demonstrate reason for your interest with the organizational industry, mission and vocation as top-of-mind
  • Ask questions that indicate your understanding of the organizational goals, objectives and culture
  • Articulate your value proposition to the company framed in terms of organizational purpose
  • Learn ways to find common ground with your interviewers
  • Illustrate how your longer-term career goals align with the internship and organization
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